At the Catalyst Center we practice Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment, a well-researched, individualized approach to assessment that has been shown to be beneficial to those who participate in it. We use assessment as an opportunity for brief treatment geared towards answering your questions and planning your next steps towards living the life you desire. Check out this weekly series highlighting The Catalyst Center’s approach to assessment and what types of testing we can do for you.

Couples Assessment

Couples Assessment is an intensive, brief treatment approach based on the principles of collaborative/therapeutic assessment. Sometimes looking at the whole system is more effective than focusing on only one of its parts. This philosophy is underlying modern approaches to couples therapy. Likewise, it often makes sense to assess what is going on in a couple rather than look at one person in isolation.

We help couples understand each other and their relationship better by identifying each person’s individual style and how they interact with their partner. This approach often opens up new ways of understanding that we might have missed were we only looking at an individual in isolation.

Couples often seek us out for assessment when they are preparing for a major life change like marriage or starting a family or when they are struggling to make their relationship work after a major stumbling block like infidelity or broken trust.


We take the time to intensively understand each person and explore current challenges and potential bumps in the road. We work with you to come up with a road map for the next chapter in your life. Our goal is to help you better understand each other and find effective ways to work together towards a happy and fulfilling life-long relationship.

Call to set up an appointment to learn how couples assessment could be beneficial for you.


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